D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Archive for March, 2018

Get Air Conditioning Repairs Before a Breakdown

Monday, March 19th, 2018

air-conditioner-upgradesWe’re moving out of heating season and into cooling season, and that means your air conditioning system is going to be put to increasingly frequent use over the next few weeks. Soon enough, you’ll be running it every day in order to keep your home cooling in the face of stifling temperatures, and in order for it to do that, it needs to be in peak running condition. The last thing you need is a sudden AC breakdown just your thermometer clears 100 degrees.

A good air conditioning repair service can move quickly and take care of issues with consideration and care. But frankly, you don’t need to wait for a breakdown to treat an issue with your air conditioner. Jumping on a repair issue early can save you a lot of trouble, and likely a fair bit of money as well.

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Call a Plumbing Service for Leaks and Clogs

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

plumbing-leaks-clogsLeaks and clogs are the two most common plumbing problems faced by homeowners, and the usual reaction is to simply take care of the problem yourself. Cleansers and snakes are available at any hardware store to deal with clogs, while enterprising do-it-yourselfers might take a stab at repairing plumbing leaks on their own. In most cases, this is a huge mistake, and you would be better off calling in a professional plumber to handle the situation. Why? There are several reasons.

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Schedule Heating Maintenance This Spring

Monday, March 5th, 2018

heating-repairs-repalcementWe’ve officially entered the last few weeks of winter, which means we’ll soon be turning off our heating systems and turning on our air conditioners. We strongly recommend scheduling a maintenance session for your heating system sometime soon. The warming weather means you won’t have use of the system for much longer, but you have likely been running your heater quite often in the last few months. That can build up a huge amount of wear and tear, which will eventually lead to a serious breakdown if you’re not careful. A maintenance session is just what the doctor ordered.

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