D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘heater replacement’

Repair or Replace My Heating System?

Monday, January 21st, 2019

We can all admit it: winter here doesn’t exactly require a heavy coat and a pair of mittens. However, the temperature can dip well into the 60s, and for many of us, that is just too cold. During the winter, we turn to our heaters to keep us warm and comfortable. But, what happens if you find yourself dealing with a handful of heater issues? For many homeowners, the decision to replace or repair their older heating system can be quite a difficult one to make. So, what do you do?

Sometimes, it’s hard to tell if replacing your entire heating system is a worthwhile investment. This is why it important to consult with your local HVAC technician before you make any final decisions. A professional will be able to assess the condition of your heater to determine what next steps need to be taken. In the meantime, however, we have provided you with a quick guide outlining some of the signs that suggest it is time for a replacement. Keep reading below to learn more. 

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Do You Need Heating Replacement?

Monday, October 12th, 2015

With our current daytime temperatures in Fredericksburg, TX, no one is thinking about heating… until the night chill sets in. We are at that time of year when we get nice, warm daytime temps and cool nights that make for perfect sleeping weather. For now you may be good with just a blanket, but soon you’ll need more. If you ended our last heating season with a heater that was clearly on its way out, now is the perfect time to look for its replacement. Replacing a failing heating system is a great opportunity to choose and install a system that meets all of your needs, and you may find that a different kind of system is what works. However, it’s important to take your time with replacement so that you can follow these three critical steps:

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