D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Archive for the ‘Thermostats’ Category

The Benefits of a Smart Thermostat

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

smart-thermostatsThermostats have been an indispensable part of our households for decades, and most homes have one parked along the wall at some convenient spot. Because they have few moving parts and rarely wear out, they last for a good long time, which helps make them such good investment. If you’ve had a thermostat in your home for longer than 10 years, congratulations for making such good use of your money. (The one exception is non-digital thermostats with a mercury switch, Mercury is dangerous and if you still have such a thermostat in your house, you should get it replaced immediately.)

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Time to Get Your Old Thermostat Replaced

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

Thermostats are designed to last a long time, which often means decades or more of safe, reliable service. Provided you change the batteries now and then for those that aren’t on your electrical grid, yours can last for decades without encountering any problems. There’s only one downside to that: a long-lasting thermostat hasn’t been able to take advantage of some of the amazing advances the industry has seen in the last few years. If your thermostat is more than ten years old, you might want to consider replacing it, even if you haven’t had any trouble from it.

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Is Your Thermostat Hurting or Helping Your Heating?

Monday, December 21st, 2015

It may seem like an odd question to ask simply because most people don’t regard their thermostat as having that much power. But it does. Your thermostat is the control center for your heating and cooling, controlling when your HVAC system turns on, for how long, and when it turns off. If you are using an outdated slide or dial thermostat in your Helotes, TX, home, you are already short-changing yourself. How? Let’s take a look.

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Benefits a Smart Thermostat Can Offer You

Monday, July 27th, 2015

Smart technology has helped make many different kinds of devices more effective and easier to use, and you can manage things right from your phone or tablet. It may seem like a strange idea to make your thermostat “smart,” but there are some tremendous benefits to doing so. However, smart thermostats are even more integrated with your home and HVAC system than a programmable thermostat, so it’s very important to hire a trained expert for installation, repair, replacement or maintenance of your smart thermostat. The certified technicians at D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc., can help you with all of your smart thermostat needs in Fredericksburg, TX – just give us a call.

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