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Power Levels Are Important with a New Heating System

heating-repairs-repalcementWinters are fairly mild in our neck of the woods, but our heating systems still get called into use on a regular basis. If your heater is on its last legs, you may need to get it replaced before the spring. That can lead to a bit of a scramble as you work to get your new heater put in before the next cold front arrives. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should skimp on the necessary steps toward ensuring that your new heating system is working exactly the way it should.

In particular, you should watch out for the comparative power levels of your new heating system. You’re probably aware that an underpowered heater will not be a good fit for your home. It will run constantly — elevating both the monthly costs and the strain on the system — while never really getting your house warm.  But an overpowered heating system can be just as bad.

Short Cycling

Heaters use far more power turning on and turning off than they do simply running, since it takes energy to get the fan motor and other components up to speed. Ideally, you want your system to run for at least fifteen minutes before shutting back down. Otherwise, it engages in a process known as short cycling, where it turns on and off rapidly many times throughout the day. That puts a lot of strain on the system, as well as forcing it to use more energy than it should. That means that your bills will be higher than they should be, and also that the system itself will run a greater risk of a breakdown — and a more serious breakdown to boot. The best heaters follow what we call the Goldilocks Rule: neither too large nor too small, but just right.

For proper heating installation in the Kerrville, TX area, call on D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc.

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