D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Electrical’

Why You Need a Whole House Surge Protector

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014

When people think of power surges (also known as voltage spikes), they usually imagine a lightning bolt striking an electrical cable, causing all the lights in a home to suddenly glow bright white and then go to black. This is a realistic scenario…but it is also not one of the more common causes for power surges in a home.

The voltage spikes that are more likely to affect your house on a routine basis are the smaller ones that happen because of power fluctuations along the electrical lines that occur when a large appliance (a refrigerator, air conditioner, heating system, etc.) make an increased demand on the power supply. The voltage imbalance causes a sudden increase in power flow to one or more of the outlets. This may not cause a light to burn out or a circuit breaker to trip, but it can damage precision appliances over time.

The best way to defend against both small and catastrophic power surges is with a whole-house surge protector installed into the electrical panel. You can contact D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc. in Bandera, TX for electrical services that will hook up your home for comprehensive surge protection.

What Whole-House Surge Protection Does

You might wonder why you need a whole-house surge protector at all when you already have power strips on the outlets. Power strip are an effective level of defense against surges: they serve as a fuse that cuts off the power from an outlet when it rises above 120 volts, and this helps protect high-end devices like computer hard drives and entertainment systems that contain microprocessors susceptible to high voltage.

However, point-of-use power strips are rarely enough. To protect all of the appliances in your home, you would need power strips for every single outlet, and it would still not be enough since many appliances are hard-wired directly into the electrical system. Power strips are also insufficient defense against massive surges that can come from lightning strikes or utility company errors; these simply overwhelm the power strip and reach the appliance anyway. A whole-house surge protector can defend against these massive voltage spikes because it redirects the energy from the surge down into the grounding of the home.

Having a whole-house surge protector installed doesn’t mean you should throw away the power strips you use for computers and other equipment with microprocessors. It’s always wise to have added layers of protection for valuable appliances…just don’t depend on the power strips alone.

Only professional electricians should install a whole-house surge protector. The device must be wired into the electrical panel, and it must be the proper size for the electrical system. Call D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc. when you need surge protection that goes beyond power strips: we are a leading provider in Bandera, TX of electrical services, and we offer quality surge protection throughout the Texas Hill Country area.

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Upgrading Your Electrical System

Monday, September 15th, 2014

Unless you’re an electrician, electrical engineer or budding electronics enthusiast, you probably don’t spend too much of your time thinking about what courses through the various wiring and outlets in your home. But it’s important that you don’t take your electrical system for granted. At the very least, it’s important to make any necessary adjustments and upgrades to the system over time so that it remains compliant with the latest codes and that it remains safe to use for your entire family. Faulty or otherwise shoddy electrics should always be fixed immediately. But even if you don’t have an urgent problem, there are some good reasons to consider upgrading your electrical system.

Whether you want to add functionality, extend electricity to an addition on your home or property or improve the safety of your home, we offer a number of different electrical service upgrades. Let’s have a look:

  • Whole house surge protection. Sure, power strips have their place, but they simply cannot compare to whole house surge protection devices that integrate directly with your circuit breaker panel. These devices are excellent because they not only provider a much greater level of protection against the threat that internal and external surges present to your home, but they also provide coverage for your entire electrical system and everything that’s plugged in, including your HVAC system and other major appliances.
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. When was the last time you had your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors tested? It’s important to make sure that they will be there for you when you need them most. It may be time to upgrade these safety devices and to ensure that they are hard-wired with battery back-ups.
  • Generator installation. Whether you opt for a portable or a whole house generator, it’s important to know what you can and cannot use it for. A portable model is good in a pinch, but it lacks the power, comprehensive coverage, and convenience of a whole-house generator. The latter can even run your HVAC system as well as various appliances.

These are just a few ways to upgrade your existing electrical system. Contact a professional on our team to learn more about our professional electrical services in Boerne, TX.

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Energy Efficient Cooling Tips

Monday, August 4th, 2014

When the summer sun begins to bear down on your home or commercial space intensely, then you need to make certain that your HVAC system is equipped to combat that thermal energy with an efficiency cooling cycle. As you know all too well, cooling costs money, and making sure that your AC is in good working order is important not only for performance, but also for energy efficiency. Improving your energy efficiency is not just about reducing the load on your electrical grid and thus on fossil fuel consumption for environmental reasons; it’s also about saving bucks. In today’s blog post, we’d like to look at some energy efficient cooling tips that you may find useful this cooling season.

  • Routine maintenance. If you’ve never hired an air conditioning maintenance service, or you can’t remember the last time you did, then it’s probably ripe for a tune-up. This cost-effective service is a great way to ensure that your system is optimized for cooling. During the inspection, cleaning and adjustment, we look closely at the system for signs of damage, and we also remove dust and debris from the coils that can result in increased energy consumption. There are numerous benefits to be had from regular tune-ups, but energy efficiency is certainly a major one.
  • Dress appropriately. This may seem common sense, but it’s worth keeping in mind as you go through the summer. By dressing appropriately for the outside temperature indoors, you can likely raise the thermostat ever so slightly, which can result in substantial savings in the long-term.
  • Enjoy a cold beverage. Break out those ice trays and pour yourself a glass of lemonade. Consuming cold drinks can cool you down on those hot days, and the cooler you feel, the more you can save on your energy bill by adjusting the thermostat accordingly.
  • Install ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are not just for spaces without comprehensive HVAC systems. They are an excellent way to boost energy efficiency and to improve the comfort of your living space. By circulating cooled air that tends to remain close to the floor, a ceiling fan may be just what you need to become more efficient without sacrificing comfort.

Call our technicians today to ensure that your home cooling remains energy efficient and reliable in Boerne, TX.

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