D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Heating Repair’

Common Heating System Problems

Monday, February 16th, 2015

As a homeowner, it’s always good to have a basic understanding of what kinds of common problems can develop with your heating system. This isn’t so you embark on repairing your system yourself – that should be left to the experts – but so that you aren’t completely in the dark when your technician tells you what is going on should your heating system needs repair. Following are some examples of the common problems our D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc. technicians encounter pretty frequently:

Thermostat Issues

Whenever you have a heating system problem, one of the first places your technician will check is the thermostat; this is because your thermostat controls the operation of your system, and if it is malfunctioning, your system won’t work as it should. Common issues with thermostats are dying or dead batteries, worn and/or corroded wiring, dusty instrumentation and calibration problems.

No/Low Heat

Depending on the type of system you have, there are several causes for low or no heat, and one of the easiest to diagnose and repair is a clogged air filter. Other reasons can be electrical issues, refrigerant leaks (heat pumps) and issues with the blower (forced air systems). Because there are a number of reasons that can cause a lack of heating for your home, it’s important to always hire a professional for repair.

Ignition Problems

If you have a combustion heating system, a number of problems can develop with the components that help ignite your burner. Systems with electronic ignition can have problems with the flame sensor, placement of the igniter and dirt and dust; systems with standing pilots may have an issue keeping the pilot lit. Ignition issues can be complex, so it isn’t advisable to try and repair an ignition problem on your own; instead, call for an expert.

Your heater is a mechanical device, so at some point it is likely that a problem will develop with the system. Only trained experts should work on a heating system, so if yours needs repair, call the professionals you can count on: D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc. We provide quality heating repair in the Fair Oaks Ranch area.

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What to Do if Your Heater Breaks Down

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Pop quiz: you try to turn on your heater and nothing happens. What do you do? If you answered “call a professional to come look at it” you are correct. If you don’t have expert knowledge, it’s never a good idea to go poking around in a heating system. That being said, there are a few things you could check before you call for heating repair. This probably won’t fix the problem you’re having right now, but it just might help avoid future issues. Let’s take a look at what you should do if your heater breaks down.

Check the Thermostat

The thermostat is the core of your home heating system, much like your brain is the core of you central nervous system. If the thermostat malfunctions, it can cripple an otherwise healthy heating system. As such, it’s a good idea to check your thermostat any time your heating system seems to be acting up. Have a look at the display on your thermostat to make sure that everything is set properly. If the settings all seem correct and the temperature is accurate, then the problem might lie elsewhere.

Check the Pilot Light

All combustion-based heating systems possess some form of pilot light as an ignition source. In most heating systems, this pilot light is a small gas-powered flame that continuously burns underneath the central heating unit. If you have a combustion-based heater and it refuses to light, check the pilot light at the bottom of the heater. If the pilot light is out, that is likely the source of your troubles. Oftentimes, a pilot light that refuses to stay lit is the result of a faulty thermocouple. The thermocouple is a flame sensor that determines when to open the gas valve to the pilot light. If the thermocouple is malfunctioning, it will cut off the fuel supply and smother the pilot light. Fortunately, a professional can replace it fairly easily.

If you are having issues with your heater, call D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc. We provide professional heating repair service throughout Boerne.

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Signs You Need Heating Repair for Your Furnace

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

Whole-home heating systems are designed to be durable, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be repair-free. Understanding the signs that it may be time for furnace repair helps both you and your system. It isn’t advisable for homeowners to work on heating systems themselves, so knowing when to call for heating repair in Fair Oaks Ranch, TX is necessary. The experienced technicians at D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc., can assist with any heating repair, so call us today.

Signs It’s Time for Repair

  • No heat – clearly, if you have no heat, there’s an issue with your furnace. However, there can be multiple reasons why your system won’t work: a faulty thermostat, problems with ignition or even a dirty burner. Because there is such a wide range of possibilities, it’s best to let a professional find the cause and repair it.
  • Not enough heat – not feeling enough heat blowing into your home can be an indication of fan problems, such as a malfunctioning fan motor or worn belt; faulty ductwork, which is allowing too much air to escape; or an issue with the heat exchanger. Unless you have expert knowledge of your system, call a technician for assistance.
  • Strange noises – booming, banging, clicking – these are all sounds that shouldn’t emanate from your furnace. A booming sound can indicate delayed ignition, which can be a potentially dangerous situation; banging can indicate that loose parts are bouncing around your fan area; and clicking can indicate a pilot light issue. If you hear a noise, don’t ignore it, even if your system appears to still be working. Instead, call a trained technician to determine the cause of the sound.
  • Increased energy bills – are you seeing a big spike in your energy usage, but haven’t changed the way you use your heating system? Higher energy usage can be indicative of a system under stress. There can be several reasons for this, which is why it’s best to call a professional.

Repairs do not improve over time, and will most likely become worse. If you are in need of heating repair in Fair Oaks Ranch, TX, call the people you can trust: D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc.

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