D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Spring Branch’

Why Water Testing Is Essential for Your Well Water

Monday, September 11th, 2023


Sometimes, well water is the only option, when you’re out of reach of municipal water systems. And sometimes, having a well is a choice. Either way, it can be fantastic to drink fresh water, free of the chlorine that’s added to cities’ water supplies.

Unfortunately, it’s not always free of other contaminants. While towns and cities constantly test the water they distribute to their residents, your well water is your responsibility. To make sure that the water you drink and give to your family members and pets is clean and healthy, you need to have your well water tested. Here’s why.

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Exploring the Technology Behind VRV Systems: How Do They Work?

Monday, July 3rd, 2023


While new homes built in the US have generally been constructed with central air conditioning in mind since the 1970s, HVAC technology has not stood still since then. There have been many advances and new technologies created in the last fifty years.

Now, as a homeowner and not an HVAC professional, you don’t need to know the nitty gritty details of how every type of air conditioning system works. But it can be helpful to learn a little bit about some of the possibilities that exist these days. Knowing about options like VRV can help you choose a new air conditioner that will keep you cooler at a lower operating cost.

“Wait, what is VRV?” We’re so glad you asked…

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Ways You Can Lower Your Need for AC Repairs This Summer

Monday, May 8th, 2023


Needing to get your air conditioner repaired during the summer is no fun, especially if it’s the middle of a heat wave and your AC has stopped functioning entirely.

While we’re happy to come fix air conditioners at any time of year, we also want our customers to be as happy as possible, and that means keeping air conditioners running, not just fixing them when they break.

We’ve got some great advice about how to make sure your air conditioner runs smoothly all summer with as few problems as possible. 

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It’s Time to Replace Your Lead Pipes

Monday, December 20th, 2021

Lead pipes aren’t as common anymore in city pipes thanks to some great legislation from the 1960s. Once the science came out on how negatively impacted adults and children were from consuming lead runoff, it became obvious that we needed to overhaul our industrial plumbing systems to completely remove lead from the equation. That’s why you just don’t see lead pipes in large commercial buildings or other public buildings anymore, since those were the places heavily focused on when this change came about.

However, when it comes to residential plumbing in Spring Branch, TX, it’s unfortunate that there are still older homes that use lead pipes. We’re not saying this is anyone’s fault, older homes have a wonderful aesthetic and we understand why new homeowners might be drawn to them. But if your older home still has lead pipes in it, or has the possibility of having lead pipes, then we urge you to get them replaced immediately.

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Why Is My AC Making That Noise?

Monday, August 6th, 2018

covering-earsAs long as your air conditioner is up and running, you may think that everything is hunky dory.  Hey, as long as it’s pumping out that sweet, sweet cool air, right. What? That sound? No, it hasn’t always been doing that, but I’m not too worried. After all, it’s still up and running. So no big deal, right?


Yes, your air conditioner is going to make some noise as it cools your home. No, your air conditioner should not be getting louder and louder or making new, exciting sounds that you’ve never heard before. As a general rule, you’ll want to let a trained professional know when your AC starts to make any sounds that are out of the usual, even if it’s just a louder variation on a fairly normal theme.

Believe it or not, these strange sounds are among the most common of all warning signs that you may need professional air conditioning repair in Spring Branch, TX.

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