D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Bandera’

Beware of These Air Quality Issues Inside Your Home!

Monday, June 11th, 2018

mold-sporesWhen it comes to air quality, most people in the Texas Hill Country keep a close eye on exterior mold, pollen, cedar, and ragweed levels. Indoor air quality (IAQ), however, is an even more pressing issue as pollutant levels can be up to 100 times higher in your home. Most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, and that percentage is even greater for people with allergies or other respiratory conditions. Given that, these are the most important air quality issues you need to be aware of.

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Signs You Need a New Furnace

Monday, February 12th, 2018

heating-repairs-repalcementWe’re in the throes of winter, which means that your furnace is likely running all day every day to keep your home warm and comfortable. Now is the time to check it for signs that it may be on its last legs. If you have an older furnace that has been struggling lately, you’re likely looking at a replacement sometime in the next few years. And while you want to get as much use out of a given heating system as possible, it pays to know when the time has come to put an older unit out to pasture.

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Contact the Right Service for Water Well Drilling

Monday, January 8th, 2018

If yowell-water-drillingu live in the city, water for your plumbing system likely arrives via municipal water lines. But our part of the world has a lot of rural homes, and in those cases, other options must be found. Without a reservoir or standing water supply nearby, your best option is usually drilling for well water, then setting up the proper lines and connections to your home. That’s a complicated and potentially difficult process, though the results can give your home the fresh water and reliable self-sufficiency that homes in our part of the world sometimes require. In those cases, you want to make sure you contact the right plumbing service to handle the job the right day.

Finding the Spot

Unless there’s surface water visible, drilling for a well means finding the location of any underground water on your property (or nearby if you belong to a water-sharing collective). That means taking a careful survey of the land to find potential spots. This can be aided immeasurably by using computerized surveying equipment, which can detect the presence of groundwater with uncanny accuracy and show you just where to dig. It can also determine the depth of the dig needed to reach it and other such information which allows you to make proper plans with all the details in place.

The Dig

The dig itself utilizes a drill, which must be rented as part of the process. Dig times may vary, depending on the depth of the well and the type of rock in the ground above it. Once the well is dug, the technicians will examine it carefully to determine the well’s depth (a simple matter of using a measuring line in most cases) and yield (the amount of gallons per minute it can deliver), as well as seeing how far the water level dropped and how quickly it was restored to its original level. The water itself will be tested to ensure their no contaminants or other concerns, and the well will be capped.

The Lines

Once the well is dug, lines themselves need to be run from your new well to any homes that intend to make use of it. In many cases, that will include the installation of water purifiers, water softeners, and other devices designed to keep impurities out of your home’s water supply. Those devices will need to be periodically serviced and tested so that they continue to function efficiently. Furthermore, the well itself will need to be regularly tested for the presence of bacteria or contaminants that may not have been present the when you initially dug for the well.

With the right team on your side, your new well can be dug and provide service to you and your family for generations. The friendly pros at D’Spain Sales & Service Inc. can perform well drilling and well water testing in Bandera, TX, as well as provide a host of related plumbing services. Call on us today and let us show you what we can do.

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The Benefits of a Smart Thermostat

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

smart-thermostatsThermostats have been an indispensable part of our households for decades, and most homes have one parked along the wall at some convenient spot. Because they have few moving parts and rarely wear out, they last for a good long time, which helps make them such good investment. If you’ve had a thermostat in your home for longer than 10 years, congratulations for making such good use of your money. (The one exception is non-digital thermostats with a mercury switch, Mercury is dangerous and if you still have such a thermostat in your house, you should get it replaced immediately.)

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Funny New Year’s Resolutions!

Monday, December 26th, 2016

2017 is almost upon us, and in addition to popping corks and watching the ball drop, many residents of the Bandera, TX area undertaken New Year’s resolutions in order to gain a fresh start. Most of these involve matter or personal betterment – resolving to exercise more often, for example, or cut down on sweets. Sometimes, however, New Year’s resolutions can get downright wacky. In the spirit of the holiday season, we’d like to share some of the funnier ones with you.

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Time to Get Your Old Thermostat Replaced

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

Thermostats are designed to last a long time, which often means decades or more of safe, reliable service. Provided you change the batteries now and then for those that aren’t on your electrical grid, yours can last for decades without encountering any problems. There’s only one downside to that: a long-lasting thermostat hasn’t been able to take advantage of some of the amazing advances the industry has seen in the last few years. If your thermostat is more than ten years old, you might want to consider replacing it, even if you haven’t had any trouble from it.

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Causes of Reduced Heating in Your Furnace

Monday, October 24th, 2016

Most homes in the Bandera, TX area rely on forced-air furnaces for heat. It’s an effective means of keeping your house warm, and it also gives you an easy way to spot any problems that might arise. A lack of hot air coming from the vents usually spells a significant problem, since it slows down the rate at which your house warms up. That means the heater has to use more energy to do its job, which raises your monthly bills. It also increases strain on other parts of the system, forcing them to work harder and increasing the risk of a serious breakdown.

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The Benefits of Pressure Tanks

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Many homes in the Bandera, TX area operate off of the civic grid, which means they use well water and similar private sources to feed their home. That means you need to attend to any issues or problems with it yourself, which often includes water pressure. Low pressure is a common complain for well water, both because the pumps involved are suffering from problems and form issues inherent in the well itself.

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Labor Day Means It’s Time to Get Your Heater Ready

Monday, September 5th, 2016

The unofficial end of summer usually arrives with Labor Day, and while Bandera, TX likely has some warm weather still to come, the cool temperatures of fall will be here very quickly. The holiday weekend makes a great easy reminder to take a close look at your heating system and start to prepare it for the coming winter.

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How Do Energy Recovery Ventilators Save Me Money?

Monday, August 15th, 2016

The heat of summer can put quite a strain on your air conditioner here in Bandera, TX, just as the cool air of winter ensures that your heater will need to be ready for daily use. Even when your systems function 100% as expected, you’re likely looking at high monthly bills to cover the energy consumed.

You can take steps to cut those bills down by making your home more energy efficient: anything from adding more insulation to simply putting down weather stripping for those cracks under your doors and windows. If you’re in the market for an upgrade to your home, you might consider installing an energy recovery ventilator in your attic. The benefits can be immeasurable.

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