D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

How Is Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, April 26th, 2021

It’s been a hard year, and we’ve been making sure to ask all of our beloved customers about how they’re doing. We view everyone in this community as friends and neighbors, so don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation with one of our staff members and tell us how you’re doing.

However, in all this hubbub, when was the last time you looked at how your air conditioner was doing? It’s starting to warm up, which means our AC systems are starting to run in full force. Some homeowners are starting to panic because their air conditioning in Boerne isn’t running like it used to, and they’re scared there’s something they overlooked.

Don’t worry, our team is here to help. Let’s go over some common springtime problems with AC systems, and try to narrow down a few things that could be plaguing your system.

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Let’s Talk About Your AC Warranty

Monday, September 21st, 2020

This is a magic word in the HVAC industry. When we say “warranty,” we often see homeowners’ eyes light up with excitement as it usually equates to savings and peace of mind. We understand why, having someone else pay for all the repairs and maintenance for a system while it’s under warranty is an amazing feeling.

However, if you’re one of our many customers out there who are still looking to reach that warranty stage of owning an AC, keep reading. We’re going to talk about why warranties are so important when it comes to air conditioning in Boerne, TX. We’ll discuss things you should always avoid and best practices to keep your warranty as long as possible and allow your wallet to reap the benefits.

Warranties are amazing tools for keeping AC systems in good shape. Sign up with us and take a look at the warranties we offer!

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Noises and Nuisances: Sounds that Signal AC Repair

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Close your eyes, and imagine a serene summer day. The birds are chirping, you’ve got a nice cup of coffee and a book, and everything seems right with the world. Until the neighbor revs up their lawnmower to bring a loud crash to your morning meditation.

Sounds that are unexpected and prolonged can often be irritating. This goes double for your air conditioner because a noise usually indicates that something is wrong. Anxiety, panic, and depression can usually set in when you hear your AC make a noise, because it could be a bad sign for your wallet.

Calm down. We’re the experts on air conditioning in Kerrville, TX and we’re here to tell you that it’s going to be okay. Take a look below to see the usual suspects of AC noises and how we can help.

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3 Things to Remember When Getting AC Installation

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

Air conditioner installation is a huge decision. It’s usually an investment that requires a lot of money and can be for a long-term solution. Anyone who has ever bought a car or a house knows how difficult these decisions can be. That’s why it’s important to have all the facts when diving into air conditioner installation.

Before you call up your local expert for air conditioning installation in Boerne, TX take a step back. Central air conditioners are not the only systems out there. Not only that, but they’re also dependant on air ducts in your home. Do you have air ducts that are in good enough quality to be used by a central AC unit?

Keep reading. We’ll get into three important things to think about before you call for air conditioner installation services. It’s always better to be well informed when making a decision like this.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Freezing Up?

Monday, July 20th, 2020

There is perhaps no problem more disconcerting than an air conditioner that’s showing ice on the coils. Most homeowners know at this point that our air conditioner does not cool your home by using ice, so this is very clearly a problem. The problem is that homeowners don’t know enough about the intricacies of these systems to tell what exactly is happening.

That’s where we come in! Air conditioning in Fredericksburg, TX is a science, and you can consider us your local scientists. We could tell you how an air conditioner grows ice on the coils with our eyes closed and hands tied behind our backs.

We’re going to talk in detail about what is happening when you notice ice on your air conditioner. We’ll mention what not to do and tell you that this absolutely requires the help of a trained professional. Give us a call!

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Dealing with a Short-Cycling AC

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

Air conditioners are not supposed to short-cycle. Whether or not you know what short-cycling is, the most important thing you can take away from this post is that it’s never good and always requires professional service to fix. Now, let’s talk about what short-cycling is and what it means.

Short-cycling is a term we use in the HVAC industry to describe a specific problem with air conditioners. This problem only occurs for specific reasons, and when it does occur, it can be pretty devastating for homeowners that aren’t prepared for what it entails. Today, we’re going to focus on this problem and how it relates to AC repair in Boerne. If you recognize any of the signs that your air conditioner is short-cycling, or you’re still unsure as to what this problem means, make sure you call us for professional help as soon as possible.

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Everything You Should Know About Ductless Systems

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Ductless systems are a revolutionary piece of equipment that can be perfect for homes that are designed in a specific way. If you’ve been loathing the installation of ductwork in your particularly old or small home, then we advise you to keep reading. There are air conditioners out there that can keep homes comfortable that don’t depend on ducts, run incredibly efficiently, and are exceedingly affordable.

The major problem with ductless air conditioners is their image! So many people just don’t know the difference between a ductless system and a conventional central air conditioner. Homeowners often think of them as too “expensive” or as specialized systems for specific buildings that don’t apply to their living situation, but we’re here to tell you that’s just not the case. Ductless AC in Boerne, TX is an affordable option and we’ll talk about why.

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Increase Your AC’s Efficiency Today!

Monday, May 25th, 2020

Consider efficiency as an umbrella term that many factors fit under. Efficiently running air conditioners are the product of correct installation, fast repairs, and routine improvements over the course of the system’s life that allow it to operate smoothly. That’s why it’s so vital that you stay in contact with your local HVAC professionals. Their knowledge and expertise can be a direct help when your AC starts consuming too much energy for comfort.

If you’re struggling with an air conditioner that just won’t put out the cooling you need, call our team for AC repair in Boerne, TX. It’s just that simple. In the meantime, however, there are things homeowners can do to mitigate high energy bills and low cooling output. Things like drawing curtains to block sunlight, circulating air correctly with a ceiling fan, or even raising the temperature on the thermostat, can all help lower your bills and ease the burden on your system.

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AC FAQ: Is My AC Sized Correctly?

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Homeowners struggle with the ins and outs of AC repair. In fact, most homeowners aren’t even aware that air conditioners come in different sizes to begin with! This isn’t necessarily a problem with uninformed homeowners as it is a problem with people getting the wrong size AC installed and paying dearly for the consequences. As your go-to team of professionals, we’d like to talk about air conditioner sizing and how you could be the victim of a poorly planned AC installation.

No, we won’t just stop there. Homeowners need a way out of a decision like this. Luckily, we provide AC replacement in Boerne, TX so that if your system is starting to encounter problems because of its poor sizing, there is an affordable way out of the situation. So, keep reading and make sure to call our team today if you think you’re suffering from these problems.

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Repair Your Refrigerant Line Today

Monday, April 27th, 2020

An air conditioner relies on refrigerant to produce a cooling effect throughout your home. Without a refrigerant line full of refrigerant, this job gets harder and almost impossible to the point of a system breakdown. Many homeowners in our area turn on their air conditioners that have refrigerant leaks, oblivious to the fact that their system is one season away from breaking down or skyrocketing energy bills because of this.

So, for the more vigilant homeowners out there that are more concerned with AC repair in Boerne, TX, this blog post is for you. We’re all about giving you factual information about your air conditioner, especially when it has to do with a leaking refrigerant line that should be repaired. Keep reading and if you notice anything below that seems familiar, give our team a call as soon as possible!

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