D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Maintenance’

AC Maintenance Is a Critical Job for Spring, and Here’s Why

Monday, April 24th, 2023


There’s nothing we like in Texas more than an air conditioner breakdown during a heatwave in July.

Wait, what’s that you’re saying? You don’t actually want your air conditioner to fail in the middle of the summer? You want to have your home be a cool, comfortable sanctuary all summer long? Then why haven’t you scheduled AC maintenance yet?

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Does AC Maintenance NEED to Be Professionally Done?

Monday, May 9th, 2022

This is a good question, and we understand why homeowners would ask it. Wouldn’t it be easy if we just gave you our proven inspection list and all the tips required for performing AC maintenance on your own, and you just did it yourself? It sounds like that would be more convenient, but the truth is that this would probably lead to more problems. One of our values as a company is being responsible to our customers and our community. We’re a family-owned, third-generation business, which means that many of our customers are close friends and neighbors.

Air conditioning maintenance in Boerne is a lot more complicated than just following a list of handy tips. It’s not like building a garden, or some other kind of home DIY project. Air conditioners are incredibly complex, and even one small problem could lead to expenses down the line.

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Let’s Talk About Your AC Warranty

Monday, September 21st, 2020

This is a magic word in the HVAC industry. When we say “warranty,” we often see homeowners’ eyes light up with excitement as it usually equates to savings and peace of mind. We understand why, having someone else pay for all the repairs and maintenance for a system while it’s under warranty is an amazing feeling.

However, if you’re one of our many customers out there who are still looking to reach that warranty stage of owning an AC, keep reading. We’re going to talk about why warranties are so important when it comes to air conditioning in Boerne, TX. We’ll discuss things you should always avoid and best practices to keep your warranty as long as possible and allow your wallet to reap the benefits.

Warranties are amazing tools for keeping AC systems in good shape. Sign up with us and take a look at the warranties we offer!

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Set Your AC up for Success this Summer!

Monday, March 30th, 2020

Has your air conditioner steadily but surely been working well for the past few years? Then this probably isn’t the first time you’re worried about how many more years it has before it starts to break down. If it breaks down, you’d be lucky if it didn’t break down on the hottest day of the year.

Well, life doesn’t have to go that way. In fact, there are a few things you can do right now that dramatically decrease the chances of a system breakdown in your air conditioner while making you feel better. You guessed it, we’re talking about AC maintenance in Boerne, TX. This service can make all the difference between a faulty AC system and a unit that is ready for the next season to come.

So, buckle up and get ready, we’re about to take a close and hard look at the condition of your AC.

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AC Refrigerant: What You Need to Know

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

If you haven’t been paying attention to the world of air conditioners, and if you’ve got a social life you probably haven’t, there have been some major changes to the science and understanding of AC refrigerant. Don’t worry, we’re not here to chastise you for not reading the latest Refrigerants Weekly magazine. We’re your neighborhood HVAC specialist here to give you the facts in case you’re looking at upgrading your air conditioning in Boerne, TX.

You’ve probably heard of the term Freon before. However, you probably haven’t heard about the R-22 phase-out which could impact your AC costs in the near future. Depending on the chemical composition of your air conditioner’s refrigerant, it could be extremely harmful to the environment and end up costing you an extraordinarily large amount of money in the near future. We can make this process as simple and easy to understand as possible, to make your next AC choice an informed one.

So pay close attention!

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End of Summer AC Repair Problems

Monday, October 1st, 2018

question-markIt’s technically the end of summer, so doesn’t that mean we should be firing up our heaters and breaking out the hot chocolate? Well, not quite… Texas has a few more weeks to go before temperatures really start dropping.

But that means now’s a great time to take a look at your air conditioner and have it tuned up if needed. Better to look at it now than to find out next year, just before summer, that you desperately need a repair.

Before you shut off your AC for the season, make sure it isn’t suffering from one of the silent issues listed below.

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Frost in Your Air Conditioning Spells Trouble

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

air-conditioner-upgradesIf you’ve ever checked your air conditioning system, you may have noticed frost or ice forming on your air conditioning coils. At first glance, this might not seem like a big deal. After all, isn’t your air conditioner supposed to be cold? In point of fact, however, it spells all kinds of trouble for your air conditioner, and if you spot it, you need to turn your system off and call in a repair service as quickly as possible.

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Get Air Conditioning Repairs Before a Breakdown

Monday, March 19th, 2018

air-conditioner-upgradesWe’re moving out of heating season and into cooling season, and that means your air conditioning system is going to be put to increasingly frequent use over the next few weeks. Soon enough, you’ll be running it every day in order to keep your home cooling in the face of stifling temperatures, and in order for it to do that, it needs to be in peak running condition. The last thing you need is a sudden AC breakdown just your thermometer clears 100 degrees.

A good air conditioning repair service can move quickly and take care of issues with consideration and care. But frankly, you don’t need to wait for a breakdown to treat an issue with your air conditioner. Jumping on a repair issue early can save you a lot of trouble, and likely a fair bit of money as well.

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Plan for Air Conditioning Services Before the Spring

Tuesday, December 19th, 2017

air-conditioner-upgradesWinter is all but here, with cold temperatures in the forecast for the foreseeable future. That means your air conditioning system is probably the last thing on your agenda right now, shelved in favor of focusing on your heating system and other components to your home pertinent to wintertime comfort.

That doesn’t mean you should forget about your air conditioner, however. Surprise heat waves are not uncommon in the winter, and when the warm air arrives for good in March or April, you want your system to be ready to handle it.  That starts now with a little judicious planning.

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3 Qualities of a Reliable AC Repair Service

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

air-conditioning-maintenanceFall is the season for air conditioning repair in this part of the world. Temperatures are finally lowering to the point where you no longer need your system every day to keep cool, and any lingering problems you may have been forced to wait on can now be handled safely. If your air conditioner has been acting strange, you should immediately turn it off and call for a repair service. Now that the cooling season is over, a maintenance session can be performed to correct any damage that may have taken place over the summer. But which service do you call?

Every HVAC service can provide the basics, but you want one that’s going to not only correct the problem the right way, but will do so in the most effective manner possible. Ultimately, only you can determine which service will do the best job for you. However, there are a few qualities you can look for that will help you separate the best from the also-rans.

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