D'Spain Sales and Service Blog

Reasons to Upgrade Your Home’s Indoor Lighting

June 19th, 2023


When was the last time you made any major changes to the lighting in your home? Do you still have light fixtures that were in place when you purchased the home, even if they aren’t something you would have personally chosen? Are you still using incandescent bulbs? Do you have enough light in all the rooms in your home? Are you happy with the tone or color of the light in your home?

When you reflect on these questions, if you find that you’re not fully happy with your lighting, the best choice is to work with an electrician to make a better plan. Here are some great reasons to make changes to your home’s lighting, because a fresh, upgraded lighting scheme will provide a wide array of benefits.

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Signs That Your AC Compressor Needs Repair

June 5th, 2023


Your air conditioner’s compressor is like the heart of the whole system. It pressurizes the refrigerant that runs through the coils, keeping it flowing so it can absorb heat from your home and then release that heat outdoors. Because the job it does is so critical, and because it is such an expensive component, keeping your compressor in good condition is your top AC priority.

If something goes wrong with your air conditioner that could put additional strain on the compressor, it needs to be repaired immediately. So what are the things that can damage your compressor, and how will you know if they happen? Here are some things to be aware of.

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Understanding the Difference Between a Water Softener and a Water Filter

May 22nd, 2023


If you’re not delighted with the quality of the water in your home, you might be researching water treatment options. But there are so many! It can be hard to know the details of exactly what you need and whether any given water treatment system can provide it. To help you sort through your water treatment options, we’ll discuss how water filters and water softeners work, and when you might need them.

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Ways You Can Lower Your Need for AC Repairs This Summer

May 8th, 2023


Needing to get your air conditioner repaired during the summer is no fun, especially if it’s the middle of a heat wave and your AC has stopped functioning entirely.

While we’re happy to come fix air conditioners at any time of year, we also want our customers to be as happy as possible, and that means keeping air conditioners running, not just fixing them when they break.

We’ve got some great advice about how to make sure your air conditioner runs smoothly all summer with as few problems as possible. 

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AC Maintenance Is a Critical Job for Spring, and Here’s Why

April 24th, 2023


There’s nothing we like in Texas more than an air conditioner breakdown during a heatwave in July.

Wait, what’s that you’re saying? You don’t actually want your air conditioner to fail in the middle of the summer? You want to have your home be a cool, comfortable sanctuary all summer long? Then why haven’t you scheduled AC maintenance yet?

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DIY vs. Professional Plumber: When to Call a Plumber for a Clogged Drain

April 10th, 2023


Clogged drains can be so frustrating, especially when you’re not sure what to do about them. Should you use liquid drain cleaner? Should you call a plumber? We’ve got a primer for you on what you can safely do at home to unclog your drain, and how to know when a plumber is actually necessary.

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Airflow Maintenance: Why Air Filters Are So Important for ACs

March 27th, 2023


Your AC unit has an air filter to catch particles like dust, grit, and pet hair and prevent them from getting into the components of the unit. You can imagine that a motor or a fan would not work as well if it was caked with a layer of lint. But when that layer builds up on the air filter, it needs to be changed. A dirty air filter can be almost as bad for an air conditioner as no air filter at all, because in order to work, your AC unit needs good airflow.

What can happen to your air conditioner if it doesn’t have enough air flowing through it? Once you read about all the potential problems, you’ll be sure to clean your air filter regularly so you can avoid them.

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Is It a Plumbing Emergency? 5 Ways to Know

March 13th, 2023


Being hesitant to call a plumber because you aren’t sure whether your situation qualifies as an emergency is understandable. You should never be afraid to ask for some help determining exactly how serious your situation is.

Putting off getting professional help when you have a plumbing concern can lead to much bigger problems, like extensive water damage. We’ve got five questions to ask yourself that will help you assess whether your problem is serious enough to warrant emergency plumbing service.

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These 3 Sounds Mean Your Furnace Might Need Repair

February 27th, 2023


Oh, no! What’s that noise? Is there a problem with the furnace? Many issues that furnaces encounter do cause them to make unusual noises. Hearing a strange sound is often the first sign a homeowner gets that it is time to schedule furnace repair.

We’ll go over three of the most important things to listen for.

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How to Tell if You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade

February 13th, 2023


The electrical panel (or circuit breaker box) is like the nervous system of your home. It directs all the electrical traffic and makes sure energy gets where it needs to go. It also lets you know when there’s a problem, and tries to prevent disasters in your home, the way your nervous system sends pain signals to tell you that something’s wrong.

All of the work that your electrical panel does is critical, so you need it to be working properly. How can you tell when that system needs to be replaced? Here are some signs that you shouldn’t ignore. If you notice any of these things, it’s time for an electrical panel upgrade.

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